Covering Simple Orthogonal Polygons with Rectangles
- DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2406.16209
Packing Fréchet Balls
- with Peyman Afshani
- Workshop version
On Range Summary Queries
- with Peyman Afshani, Pingan Cheng, and Zhewei Wei
- DOI:
Approximating Robust Bin Packing with Budgeted Uncertainty
- with Marin Bougeret, Noam Goldberg, and Michael Poss
- DOI:
Local Search Strikes Again: PTAS for Variants of Geometric Covering and Packing.
- with Pradeesha Ashok and Sathish Govindarajan
- DOI:
- Preliminary version
Packing and Covering with Non-Piercing Regions
- with Sathish Govindarajan, Rajiv Raman, and Saurabh Ray
- DOI:
- Preliminary version
Effectiveness of Local Search for Art Gallery Problems
- with Sayan Bandyapadhyay
- DOI:
Demand Hitting and Covering of Intervals
- with Datta Krupa R., Minati De, and Sathish Govindarajan
- DOI:
On the d-Runaway Rectangle Escape Problem
- with Sathish Govindarajan, Neeldhara Misra, and Shreyas Shetty
- Conference version
- Expanded version, also with Anil Maheshwari and Subhas C Nandy